Intended for new and previously painted wooden surfaces (including fiberboards and chipboards) inside the premises. Recommended for floors and other interior elements, exposed to constant mechanical loads and intense washing.
Main characteristics of the product
- Resistant to mechanical loads and intense washing;
- Forms elastic and durable coating, not cracking over the time;
- Stable gloss, intense color;
- Excellent coverage, saving consumption;
- Easy-to-use, easy application, well-spreaded;
- High adhesion to wooden surfaces;
- Doesn’t contain the compounds of extremely hazardous heavy metals (lead, cadmium, chrome VІ).
Application of the product
Enamel shall be thoroughly mixed, and if necessary – thinned with solvent to application viscosity.
For firstly-painted surfaces: grind, remove dust and other contaminations. To reduce the enamel consumption and get better result, the preliminary application of «VL–10» Pore filler of ТМ Miks color is recommended. Enamel shall be applied in two coats with brush or roller. Drying time of each coat – 24 hours.
For renovation of previously painted surfaces: remove particles of old flaked coating, grind and clean the surface. Considerably damaged coatings shall be completely removed.
During the work and afterwards the premises shall be thoroughly ventilated. Use rubber gloves for hands protection.
Instrument cleaning: dearomatized thinner ТМ Мікs color.
Keep away from fire!
24 hours (film polymerization)
0.9 kg, 2.8 kg
6 – 7 m2/kg per one-layer coating depending on surface type